Monday, January 20, 2025

ZMAD - Zombies Must All Die

 I have a self-destructive habit of starting a daily updates PBP game once in a while. They just call to me, y'know? When I was making this system I really wanted to do something post-apo and something that fits in one discord message. In the end the game didn't work out - it was very time consuming to do every update, and with many players I had to do many updated. Daily. Yeah, I burnt out. In any case, here it is.

Z = Zombie


Distribute 15 points. Roll over on d12 to fail on a check. Slots equal to stat. Down to 0 = Death

(V)itality: Physical ability. Slots for Equipment, 3 are Quick. Reduced by I, F, H, D
(B)rain: Remembering, searching, magicking. Slots for Skill, Mindset, Psychic Power. Reduced by T

Start with half filled V slots + 1 Skill (name of your job)

+1 stat point after each:
- Escape a horde
- Kill 12 Z
- Learn the truth about infection
- Make a name for yourself
- Big goal chosen by you


(D)amage: from getting hit
(F)atigue: from exertion. -2 from sleep, -1 if you had a watch
(H)unger: from not eating for a day. -1 by eating double
(I)nfection: from interaction with contamination
(T)rauma: from stressful events. -1 by indulging


* Two slots
! Loud
~ Long range

Ammo: Specific to weapon
Armor: Block 1 Damage. 25% it breaks. Always in Quick
Battery: rechargeable
Bomb!: wipe a room
Chainsaw!*: Kill 15 Z per Gas. Roll V or gain I
Crossbow*~: Kill 10 Z per Ammo, 1 in a hurry. Roll B to recover Ammo
Energy Drink: -2 F
Flashlight: Unlimited light
Gas: Universal fuel
Handgun!: Kill 10 Z per Ammo, 5 in a hurry
Lure!~: attract Z at range
Lockpicks: Unlock stuff
Med: -2 D
Pills: -2 I or T
Rifle!*~: Kill 20 Z per Ammo, 5 in a hurry
Ration: Live 2 days
Tape: Hotfix
Tool*: Kill a Z. Roll V, on fail gain F. On 12 gain I
Toolbox: Fix mechanisms

Improvised items are freely available


You're a survivor, the 0.1% resistant to airborne spread
Every day state your route on the map. You can go 3km/h in cities
Travel between locations and scavenge for resources needed to survive while trying to reach milestones
The ZM has tables to determine what and who you find in different places


Loud noises, strong smells, radio waves and the night activate the Z
Normal Zs aren't a big issue, but be careful about the Special types. Eat their brain for a Psychic Power
Don't get outnumbered. Find allies. Nobody survives on their own

I have also made notes for running the game. Quite unfinished.

Guidance for Zombie Masters

treasure rations are never tainted. Contaminated food is readily available in any city. Up to the survivor if they’d rather starve or be Infected

Locations have many Areas, think points of interest. Places that are worthwhile or might contain useful gear.
All survivors have a tiny degree of immunity, which will possibly improve as they are exposed to the Infection. They do not know this. It begins at 5% and improves by that % every time it activates. Upon reaching 100% all I on them will be purged.

Special types are powerful Z with special abilities. They are worth 5 normal Z at least, roughly needing a mag to be dumped in them to slay. They can see well and attack anything that moves indiscriminately. Eating the brain of a SZ awards a lot of infection, trauma, and a Psychic Power.

Blade master - red, two bone swords instead of arms, no jaw. 20 Z equivalent. Foreshadowed by lesser blade zombies (like 2Z each) appearing, and a wide area of the city being empty. Bone blades work like Tool but take one slot. Psychic Power gained from eating the brain is having one arm turn into a blade, psychic control over lesser blade Z and melee without risk.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Classis for (overpowered) fighters

The Classis:

A - Combat Expertise, two class abilities, one usually defensive
B - Athletics, extra ability
C - pseudo-magical ability
D - Heroic Stature, powerful capstone

Combat Expertise - Gain +1 toHit and HP per level and +1 attack per round on templates B and D. Never fumble on attacks. Know basic things against the foes you face: AC, HD, toHit, number and damage of attacks.

Athletics - Many physical tasks such as lifting, running, climbing, jumping, swimming or holding your breath are done with [level] times the efficiency of a person with your ability scores. It can translate to output, speed, endurance or something else, but only one at a time ie. you can either run [level] times faster at a normal distance or [level] times longer with normal speed. This only affects combat speed if all you do in a round is sprint.

Heroic Stature - If you made it this far you must be destined for great things. If that somehow wasn't the case already, people start speaking of your exploits and you will definitely be remembered for generations after your death. Also, you can hurt creatures that require magic even if you don't have such means of attack.

High level fighters are generally unbothered by very weak enemies, doubly so if with a powerful party.

Many fighter powers are just skills. If you find someone willing and able to teach you and have a month spare, you could learn abilities above and beyond those granted by your class.

[level] is a variable so read it as a number, level is just a word.

The Classes:

you put their templates on top of the classis


Skill: 1. Burglar 2. Bard 3. Ranger 4. Locksmith

Equipment: Light armor, shortbow, quiver with arrows, lockpicks, rope, shortsword, two daggers, chosen object that's magical in a very subtle way

A - Avoidance, Opportunist
B - Skill
C - Suppress/Magnify
D - Supreme Ability

Avoidance - If you succeed on a save you avoid all damage, and take half even if you fail. You have advantage against things that would restrain, slow or immobilize you.

Opportunist - You have 50% odds to ignore being surprised. When not surprised you can choose for yourself an advantageous position to begin combat in. It must be a spot that you could have reached with 1 round of movement, ignoring other creatures.

Skill - Athletics also applies to tasks like sneaking, hiding, lock picking, trap removal, tinkering, legerdemain, pick pocketing, contortionism, improvising use of magic, understanding old languages, entertainment and whatever else you can get your DM to allow.

Suppress/Magnify - At will you manipulate your social presence. Suppressing it makes you indistinct, easy to ignore, overlook and forget. Magnifying it makes you the most important person in the room, drawing everyone's attention and probably making them shut up and listen as you talk.

Supreme Ability - Thrice per day you can declare that you did something retroactively. If this causes continuity issues, explain them away or ignore them. It must have been non-impossible for you to have done that or the ability fails. The DM is expected to be very lenient with what is considered “non-impossible”.
Examples: You brought just the right item for the situation or hid it nearby and just remembered it, the monster can't grab you as you were covered in grease the whole time, your are not found as you actually hid in a different place, you took the key off of the guard and nobody noticed, oh and also you replaced the guard with your own guy beforehand.

I don't subscribe to the idea that thieves are a separate thing from a light armor fighter. Kinda funny because this Rogue doesn't even need to be lightly equipped. The class is a little unusual because it's the least combat focused out of all the fighters. Progression is also odd because the most important ability comes at template B.


Skill: 1. Knight 2. Blacksmith 3. Broken Hearted Romantic 4. Veteran

Equipment: Rough plate armor, two shields, warhammer, locket with the image of a loved one, iron endoprosthetics, spiked boots

A - Defense, Cursed
B - Ironflesh
C - Pressure
D - Freedom OR Adamantine

Defense - You are a wall for the purposes of line of sight, cover and forced movement.

Cursed - Your skin is cold and hard, your sense of touch and pain are numb, you can Feign Death at will and gain +1 AC on odd levels.

Ironflesh - The density of your body is roughly 10g/cm³. You can still move somewhat normally but Athletics requires momentum to use. You still take the usual amount of damage from falls and blows. What this feature means for you: many floors crack under you, you literally can't be pushed around, running into something is like a car crash, you sink worse than a stone and probably much more.

Pressure - At will, over the course of one round you can start emitting an aura of horrible cursed energy and crushing pressure on everyone nearby. Weakest beings drop onto the ground and can't get up, fliers must land or take doubled falling damage falling to the ground, all movement speed is halved and projectiles have -2 toHit.

Freedom - You can turn on and off the effects of Ironflesh and all curses affecting you at will. Keep in mind conservation of energy.

Adamantine - Your body weighs [level] tons, your flesh has a dark sheen to it and is as durable as adamantine. Your unarmored AC is as heavy armor +3, +10 maximum HP, non-magic attacks of any kind can't hurt you, base speed divided by four, always lose initiative, you can't really relate to normal people anymore and others think of you more as a lifelike construct than a person.


Skill: 1. Farm Boy 2. Soldier 3. Apprentice 4. Monster Hunter

Equipment: Chainmail, Shield or bow and arrows, 3 chosen weapons

A - Parry, Notches
B - Versatile Fighting
C - Killing Intent
D - Lordly Might

Parry - Once per round reduce damage from a melee attack against you by your toHit bonus, or half if it's ranged. Riposte with your own melee or ranged attack if it reduces the damage to 0.

Notches - Negative ability modifiers do not affect your combat performance. Record your kills with each weapon. At 10, 20, 30 and 50 pick one:
+1 damage per hit
+1 critical range
Special ability negotiated with the DM

Versatile Fighting - You understand all properties of a weapon given a minute of examination or a few test swings. In place of movement you can make one free unarmed attack or maneuver attempt. Gain a +2 bonus to all maneuvers.

Killing Intent - You automatically hit enemies half your power or weaker, rolling only to see if you crit. You also get an extra gaze attack which lets you run a mini duel within your mindscape. The loser is shaken, covered in sweat and falls down defeated after the “duel” is over.

Lordly Might - Parry applies to everything at full power, including spells, and can be used twice per round. You are permanently Magnified, as per the Rogue ability. 2d4 level 1 apprentices who want to train under you arrive, do what you want with them. You can rally an army very easily and quickly and lead up to [level]*100 men without breaking a sweat. The moment you establish a few safe hexes and a cool stronghold settlers will begin moving in.


Skill: 1. Viking 2. Conan 3. Mercenary

Equipment: massive greataxe, loincloth or girdle

A - Tough, Destroyer
B - Keen
C - Bloodlust
D - Conqueror

Tough - Once per round before the damage of an attack that hit you is rolled, take d6 damage in place of however much it would be otherwise. Your bare abs count as 12+[level] AC and you gain +1 HP per level. Permanently under the effects of non-magic Protection from Weather.

Destroyer - Score criticals on a roll of 18+. If you miss an attack you can reroll it, but enemies will have advantage on their next attack against you during their next round. In place of making several attacks you can make just one, multiplying the damage by the amount used.

Keen - You have advantage on saves against effects that you can see. You ignore surprise 50% of the time. Apply Athletics to survival and tracking type activities. If you swear to never use a spell or something similar to it you become magic resistant.

Bloodlust - At will you can unleash your primal ferocity and rush to battle. This is extremely horrifying to all reasonable folk. During a rage you can not do anything except run at the closest enemy and attack screaming incoherently and you do not know your HP total, but in return you become immune to all mind-based effects, Tough can trigger any number of times per round and your STR modifier increases by 1. A rage only ends if all enemies have been defeated. An ally that accidentally friendly-fire'd you counts as an enemy.

Conqueror - During a rage you always win initiative and if you would be incapacitated keep going for d4+1 (rolled in secret) extra rounds. Given a few weeks and lots of promises of treasure, plunder and glory you can summon an army of [level]d40 barbarians that will follow you as their warlord. Barbarians are usually the independent kind and if the promises are not kept they will run amok.

Glyph Kiddie

Skill: 1. magic school dropout 2. Failed Super Soldier 3. Vat Grown

Equipment: Chainmail, lead-lined helmet, “Spellbook”, 3 chosen non-armor battle items, self-made unidentifiable scroll

A - Arcane Binding, Dabbler
B - Blast
C - Discharge
D - Magical Might

Arcane Binding - Each of your arms is etched with tattoos of arcane sigils. You can bind an object to each, which will be summoned to your hand if you snap your fingers and sent to a pocket dimension when you snap again. Weapons bound like this count as magical. Binding an object takes a minute, unbinding one several hours. You must be able to lift (not necessarily wield) the object with one hand to bind it.

Dabbler - You have a very, very basic understanding of magic and can activate rituals and magic items meant for wizards. 1-in-10 chance to mess it up horribly, or up to 3-in-10 at DMs discretion.

Blast - Make a gesture with your hand to shoot out an elemental blast which hits unerringly for d8+[level] damage at up to 12” range. 1 charge on each arm. A 3 turn long ritual is required to recharge each arm, and your tattoos glow slightly based on the element inside. Choose the element each time you recharge.

Discharge - You gain 1 MD and only one real way to use it: an unfiltered discharge into your own body. Free action, for [sum] rounds you are surrounded by a bright magic aura, your eyes glow, lightning crackles around you and you gain two of the following spell effects: Feather Fall, Protection from Normal Missiles, Spider Climb, Jump, Mage Armor, Enhance Ability. You can't end this prematurely and each round that this is active you take [dice] damage. People tend to be freaked the fuck out when you do that.

Magical Might - You get a second MD. You figured out magic well enough to prevent mishaps. Detect magic by licking it. You can inscribe your legs with arcane tattoos which give movement abilities, like big jumps for fire, blinks for lightning, multi-jumps for ice or gliding for air. One charge for both legs, recharged the classic way. Using Discharge with 2 MD lets you activate all the spell effects at once.


Skill: 1. Noble 2. Fated Hero 3. Monk 4. Altar Boy

Equipment: (prefix all items with holy) Plate armor, shield, sword, crotch flap, silver symbol, oath scroll, bottle that will give you light and show the way out when all hope is lost

A - Defense, Blessed
B - Lay on Hands
C - Radiance
D - Eminence

Defense - You are a wall for the purposes of line of sight, cover and forced movement.

Blessed - You are bound by an honor code and must be aligned with Good, so you must uphold your promises, never make deals with hellspawn and always help those in need. Gain +1 to saves on odd levels. +2 to saves or AC when something unholy would target you. If you do nothing but pray you are Protected from and detect Evil.

Lay on Hands - You inscribe your body with holy scriptures. This renders you immune to disease and by placing your palms on a creature you can cure its wounds restoring d6 HP. You can do this up to [level] times per day. If the creature is afflicted by a disease you can enter one on one combat with it. Diseases are usually at least as tough as an ogre.
If someone dies slowly in your hands, their death is painless and peaceful.

Radiance - You can release your inner radiance at will. This holy light blinds and turns away all that is unholy and evil. If you are much weaker than the evil force it gets a save. You can only store around a Turn of such light in you at a time and it takes around an hour for it to build up again.

Eminence - Your presence is inspiring, comforting, reassuring and perhaps almost regal. You attract a mighty 5+5 HD warhorse that can fly, but only when lit by the sun and for a worthy cause. Non-evil people instinctively trust you, you gain an extra save against curses even if you normally wouldn't get one and if you lead your allies to battle their toHit becomes half of yours if that helps them.


Savagery - kill something that can bleed and put up a fight with nothing but your own body
Your teeth and nails count as light weapons.

Pass it on - Peacefully retire.
You become a friendly NPC and never adventure again. All future fighters made by this group begin at 10% of your total XP.

Magic Resistance - Fake delta. Acquire this power by other means.
You gain an extra save against any magical effect, even if it doesn't normally allow one. Succeeding on both negates the effect if it would normally be halved. The effect of success on an effect that doesnt normally allow saves is up to DM discretion.

OSR statblocks for a few chosen Fear & Hunger monsters

Striking enemies to destroy their body parts doesnt damage their total hitpoints. The list is not arranged in any particular order.

9HD, AC 15 (formerly-dragon skin)

Ambusher - invisible under the surface of the water until it attacks. As it emerges a large splash of water will extinguish all fires nearby, likely plunging the party into darkness.

Delicious - a meal cooked from its meat will fully heal all those who eat it.

Gnome egg appetite - will abandon combat if offered a gnome egg

Eye (4hp 20 AC) - destroying it reduces the number of smash attacks to 1.

Tongue (15 AC) - damaging it will reset the progress of Extend Tongue

Att: Smash x2, Extend Tongue

Smash - 3d6 damage. If a 6 appears on any of the dice, save vs paralysis or stunned for one round. With 1, save vs paralysis or flung into the cold dark water.

Extend Tongue - On the third turn the Salmonsnake’s tongue is fully extended and will force a save vs death on a random enemy in range.

Lord of the Flies
5+3 HD, AC 14 (thick fur)

Horrid stench - at the beginning of combat every opponent must make a save vs poison or become nauseated, suffering d4 points of damage, a penalty of -2 to hit and halved speed for the duration of the encounter.

Orders - Attacks are nonlethal. Upon incapacitating an opponent the lord of flies will drag them to a faraway locked cage.

Att: Hairy Palm
Hairy palm - d8+3 damage. Target must make a maneuver check vs 16 or get grabbed. Grabbed targets take automatic damage at the beginning of lord of flies' every round. At most two targets can be grabbed.

Variant rule - an open cage can be nearby to the encounter. If a grab succeeds or if an opponent is reduced to 0hp, the lord of the
flies will toss them inside the cage which will automatically close behind them.

Valteil the Enlightened One (WIP)
not sure about the HD lol

Life crafter - Valteil can create artificial life forms which serve and protect him.

Academic - A character can engage Valteil in a contest of knowledge as if it was an actual physical fight. Valteil will ask horribly obscure lore questions, taking damage if answered correctly, dealing damage if not.

Right and left brain (make them sturdy) - Destruction of the right brain prevents Valteil from casting spells, and the left brain from Headbutting.

Third eye (not quite as tanky) - prevents the use of Whispers of Destruction

Att: Headbutt, Whispers of Destruction; Magic Missile OR Cause Wounds

Headbutt - every enemy must save or take d6 damage

Magic missile - conjures 4 missiles which hit automatically for d6+1 damage each

Cause Wounds - One target takes 5d6+5 damage, half on a save. If failed, save again or one random limb is mangled and blown off.

Whispers of Destruction - At the end of every 3th turn of the fight a random party member dies.

3+2 HD, 16 AC (chestplate, scales and shield)

Cruel - Enjoys torturing and skinning alive

Riposte - Can retaliate with a crude sword attack to any blow aimed his way.

Shield (8hp 16 AC) - prevents riposte and decreases ac by 1 when destroyed

Att: Crude Sword, Natural Attack

Crude Sword - d8+2 damage. On a hit with an even number target saves or is disarmed, with an odd number target saves or is knocked prone

Natural Attack (poison tongue or tail whip) - d6+2 damage. On a hit with an even number target saves or takes extra d6 poison damage, with an odd number target saves or is in agony for d2 rounds.

4+1 HD, 13 AC (thick skin)

Despicable - enjoys sexual assault, butchery and gluttony

Dull - easily tricked, for example will not pay you any mind if you're dressed in a guard outfit

Cleaver (4hp 12 AC) - Disarmed guards can not use cleaver attacks.

Stinger (4hp, 12 AC) - If destroyed, the guard can no longer make Stinger attacks.

Att: Cleaver OR tackle

Cleaver - d10+2 damage. Hit target saves or loses a limb. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack

Tackle - d6+1 damage. Hit target saves or is knocked prone. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack

Stinger - 2d6 damage. Disgusting.

Variant rule - a guard may carry a ballista rather than a cleaver. To disarm them of it, one must deal 10 damage at AC15 to the weapon. A guard armed with such a weapon has their Cleaver attack replaced with the following one:

Ballista - 3d6+2 damage. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack.

1 hp, 14 AC (agility)

KAAW KAAW - At the end of every round the gnomes sound a cry for help, causing d4 reinforcement cavegnomes to arrive

Milk affinity - A splash of yellow milk dissuades all cavegnomes from fighting.

Att: gnaw
Gnaw: d4 damage. On max damage, the target saves or gets an infection.

Crow Mauler
10 HD, 16 AC (blessing of the depths)

Pursuer - Knows the direction to the party as long as they remain in the dungeon.

Invincible - can only be hurt in close quarters. Can not be hurt by ranged attacks or traps.

Att: Maul, Peck OR Flock of Crows

Maul - 2d10+2 damage. Hit target saves or has the bones of a random limb broken.

Peck - Made at -4 to hit. Hit target has their head ripped off. A heavy helm allows a save, breaking on a success.

Flock of Crows - d6 damage. Hit target saves or has their eyes ripped out.

Variant rule - On the second encounter with the mauler he will have no arms remaining, however gaining an extra head in return. Can not make the Maul attack, can use an extra Peck or Flock of Crows in a round.

1 HD, 12 AC (floating)

Psychic - Possesses an unexpected level of intelligence and mental power. Can float a few feet off the ground and communicate telepathically.

Scavenger - Consumes carrion, but prefers draining the life force of living creatures

Swinging limbs - Only forced movement or the maneba giving up allows escape from melee with it.

Att: Tentacle Whip d4 times

Tentacle Whip - d4 damage. On max damage, the target saves or gets injected with parasites.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025


You are a fish that has figured out a way to breathe air. Going around the surface made you humanoid, and gave you some sort of a brain, but diminished your power. Thankfully, significant amounts of water will restore you to your former glory.

You gain +2 HP per template, also you can talk to fish, and stink very much.

You start with seagrass pants that never rip during transformations and two huge waterskins.

Starting skill: Fishing

Using switch templates here. Use X1 when you are submerged or wet (a slot of water should make you wet for roughly a turn, unless something dries you forcibly), and X2 when dry.

A1 True Form A2 Dry Form
B1 Haulfish B2 Frontal Lobe Development
C1 King of the Sea C2 Superior Empathy
D Ultimate Form

𝚫 Trident
𝚫 Hook Breaker
𝚫 Fish Magic

A1 True Form
An enormous humanoid fish, slightly bigger than an ogre. When you transform into it from Dry form, leave everything you're holding, and everything you are wearing bursts off.
Your strength equals 15+[templates]*3.
You can make two attacks per round, and thanks to your sharp fins and sturdy fists your unarmed attacks deal d8 damage. Most weapons will break in your hands.
You can't use protective gear, but your scales count as Light armor +[0, 1, 2, 3], and your current HP doubles.
You can swim at great speed: [60, 90, 120, 150]' per round, and considering your size, that carries lots of momentum.
You can't really use most of your humanlike brain. You remember your alliances, goals and agreements, but otherwise you are fish (int 3?)

True Form recognizes the utility of Dryness, but will only transform when necessary.

A2 Dry Form
You are a fish person of average build. Thanks to exposure to air, you have begun developing a human-like brain. You understand what an ally and an enemy is, just as you understand agreements and wealth. Emphasizing with other beings is difficult, and most plans might be too difficult for you to understand.

Dry form recognizes the utility of Wetness, but will only transform when necessary.

B1 Haulfish
You can push and pull objects in water far too great to be possible, without losing speed. Currently it can be as much as a [small ship/galleon/huge chunk of an island]

B2 Frontal lobe development
You learn how to read and write, and understand that people can have complex emotions (you can't have those yet). Your imagination is around human level.

C1 King of the Sea
You can intimidate all aquatic life into obedience. Might even work on aberrations, leviathans and the like.

C2 Superior Empathy
Your cognitive abilities are that of a human if not better, and you understand emotions perfectly. You can always tell how someone is feeling or if they want something.

D Ultimate Form
Both of your forms have finally come to a mutual understanding, and they merge into one. You have all the benefits of True Form paired with the thinking of your Dry Form, unless your moist mucus is removed from you, in which case you lose benefits of True Form until wet again.

𝚫 - Trident
Find the legendary trident of the seas, and convince the barnacles that you are worthy of its power. They don't know fear.
This is the only weapon worthy of you. Probably +3, generally should be on par with other legendary weapons. Requires 20 strength to wield. It disappears when you are in Dry Form.
You can now also make three attacks a round.

𝚫 - Hook breaker
Be caught into a trap by obvious bait, and manage to break free. Lose this template if you ever ignore obvious bait.
If anyone tries to pull you, they are pulled instead, and you can punch them for free if that puts them in melee range.

𝚫 - Fish Magic
Eat a wizard whole. If they escape your insides or die, lose this template.
The wizard in your stomach will conveniently shrink when you go Dry.
Gain 1MD and the ability to cast one random spell the wizard knows (or more, if the wizard allows.)



It's silly and kinda sloppy (get it?). It would be best in some kind of pirate seafaring campaign. Still, definitely my favorite GLOG creation.

Dungeon of Doom v1

I tend to call my megadungeons "The Dungeon of Doom" since it's a great name for a great subterrenean labyritnth spreading under the whole world, and also a reference nethack. In any case, here is the map and roughly 30% finished stock. I don't plan on revisiting this one since I have started working on a second Dungeon of Doom by this point, but I still consider it to be very good, even though many rooms are quite undefined. It was made for a silver standard system.


The floor is uneven, there are many cracks, alcoves, archways to nowhere, suspicious bricks, nooks and crannies and mysterious vents.


  1. North-east corner -> painted arrow north marked N. North-west corner -> 2 stacked barrels
  2. Ogre, 3 elites (one with +1 sword) 8 goblins; around table playing cards, sleeping bags, chest -> (some wand, plenty of coin)
  3. Gym, benches, weights, bars
  4. 10 orcs loitering around. One has a potion of growth. Treasure chest -> (orc treasure)
  5. 3 ogres, one with a huge sword. It's their den. Sacks with (ogre treasure).
  6. Sack on the ceiling. The gravity in this room is reversed. Inexplicably, this does not affect liquids.
  7. Creatures going up into this room will find the stairs turning into a slide, dumping them back down at level 2.
  8. Cave segment. South-east wall -> carved mouth -> 2:6 it opens when the party enters, beginning to inhale -> light characters save or be sucked into the pit. Pit is spiked with stalagmites.
  9. Troll (charred look, Ifrits blessing of fire resistance), goblin caster (staff of necrosis), 4 elite bodyguards; south alcove -> wooden throne of the troll -> (troll treasure), east wall -> map -> depicts middle of the dungeon
  10. Floor tiled like a chess board. south-east corner -> piled up shattered black and white marble -> hiding hole in the wall -> (cool treasure of some kind)
  11. Secret garden. Safe rest, possible alchemical plants.
  12. Green amalgam (8HD). Floor slanted a total of 10’ to the west. Secret hinted at by a small ledge above the floor.
  13. Flowing patterns on the walls of the room. Well of alteration. Ephemeral black-and-pruple butterflies flying out of the magical water. Creatures drinking from it will be randomly changed. Effects can be avoided with a save. Can only affect an individual once per month.
  14. Bridge over a cistern of clear water.
  15. Mus It seems that a fireball has been detonated here a long time ago.
  16. There is an indestructible wall of force in the middle of the room. Whichever way it's approached from, there is a big treasure pile on the other side (20k G). To get it one must break through the wall on the sides or slip through the force somehow.
  17. E
  18. M
  19. T!
  20. M
  21. T+T
  22. M+T
  23. Drake pen. 5 of them sit here in drake lairs.
  24. M+T
  25. Grand stairway, goes down to level 4 and the overworld.
  26. E
  27. M+T
  28. Tri
  29. M+T
  30. E
  31. Tri
  32. A lone table sits in the middle. There is a golden rod hidden in one of the legs
  33. GS
  34. Hand depth of gravel. Hidden treasure
  35. M+T
  36. M+T
  37. E
  38. T+T
  39. M+T
  40. 20 goblins doing goblin things like throwing rocks or poop.
  41. M
  42. The alcove contains a treasure chest guarded by a hooded figure. He will ask riddles: what is your name, what is your quest, what is your favorite color. Saying something dishonest WILL result in getting detonated.
  43. E
  44. M+T
  45. E
  46. T+T
  47. T!
  48. HT
  49. M
  50. A big hole in the middle of the room. Leads to (deeper floor)
  51. Storage of shattered remains. They lie in bags on shelves.
  52. M
  53. E
  54. M
  55. NS
  56. E
  57. E
  58. Looted sarcophagus
  59. 8 skeletons who can walk on walls and ceilings, guarding a locked stone chest affixed by reverse gravity to the ceiling. (Chest treasure)
  60. T+T
  61. Bedroom of 3 necromancers. 2:6 to actually be here sleeping, otherwise doing some ritual. Entrance guarded by 4 reinforced zombies. 3 necro grimoires, each necro has 100 coins.
  62. Adamant knight sitting on a throne of steel. The double doors will close behind the party and he will extinguish all lights, then send them (far below to some nasty place!). If approached from the secret door, can be backstabbed through a hole in the armor and killed.
  63. Unfinished bone golem (6 HD) left here. Will rise to attack, but will fall over after 8 damage is inflicted. Can be hurt by mundane weapons
  64. BS
  65. M+T
  66. M+T
  67. Tri
  68. M+T
  69. HT
  70. M+T
  71. Tri
  72. E
  73. Tri
  74. M+T
  75. M
  76. E
  77. E
  78. Tri
  79. HT
  80. BS
  81. E
  82. Gargoyle guards a ladder down. When killed it shatters, eaten treasure spilling out: golden dust/shards, 2 slots worth 75GP each.
  83. HT
  84. HT
  85. T!
  86. E
  87. M+T
  88. T!
  89. T!
  90. M
  91. Altar to Fortune. See Altars section.
  92. E
  93. M+T
  94. E
  95. GS
  96. NS
  97. M+T
  98. M
  99. E
  100. Locked door. Teleporter leads to (valley in mountains somewhere, lots of greens)


Gods generally dislike having their offerings stolen, altars defiled or things opposite to their domain.

Wax covered, burning candles, golden statuette worth 500G, offerings worth 50G

  1. Wax covered, burning candles, golden statuette worth 500G, offerings worth 50GTo Ifrit, elemental lord of fire.
    Likes: gold, burning
    Boons: elemental speech/friends, fire resistance, self destruct.
    Banes: immediate immolation
  2. Wheel of fortune (as in stonehell), offerings of dice and charms worth jack shit.
    to Fortune, Luck
    Likes: risk, gabling
    Boons: good luck
    Banes: persistent bad luck
  3. Relief depicting a mysterious hooded figure behind a screen. Bottomless hole in front.
    to the Dungeon Master
    Likes: sacrifices of useful things
    Boons: darksight, layout knowledge, trap resistance
    Banes: dungeon events, summoning monsters

  1. Are all connected via pipes wide enough to crawl in without heavy armor.
  2. Has a gelatinous cube inside
  3. Entrance is not obvious from either side
  4. .
  5. Skeleton sitting inside

  1. Beautifully made, depicting a succubus, covered by fabric hiding it If seen directly, save or be compelled to guard it for a week.
  2. Samsara wheel, clutched by Yama (this is not real in this world), open middle. Another corridor visible through the hole. Leads to statue 5.
  3. Old man in a greek robe, probably a philosopher. A different contemplative pose every time you see it.
  4. So extremely lewd there is an actual censor blur covering it.
  5. As 2, leads to it.
  6. Knight slaying a dragon, face is chisel marked in an inexpert attempt to revise it.


Well of Alteration
  1. Become much bigger and hairier. STR+
  2. Elongate and get thinner. DEX+
  3. Harden considerably. CON+
  4. 50/50 darksight or elven sight.
  5. Swap genders
  6. Turn into a monster
4 or lower: save vs mutation

Elite orc
AC16 d6+3 / AC18 d6+2
Like orcs but shredded

Reinforced zombie
Armored with slabs or bone. 16 AC.

Fire resistance boon
Immune to normal fire, halved damage from super fire.

Staff of Necrosis
Long, made of black stone, tipped with a small silver skull.
+1 to hit, damage and AC. Damage inflicted by the strikes is necrotic and can not be healed without removing necrosis. Special restoration spells, surgery or maggots do the job. Gives 4 THP to undead.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Extremely important context about the creator of this blog

The name of this blog, Temporal Negativity, is a mediocre play on words with the nick !AntiTime!.
I have first acquired this name a few years ago when I realized I wasn't showing up nearly high enough on discord user lists, so I brainstormed something that begins with a special symbol and A, thus !A, and then the rest followed naturally. Before that happened, the nick was SteveNumber2.
SteveNumber2 was an altered version of my truly ancient Minecraft nick, StivNr2. I have altered it because by that time I knew english. You see, I am not a native english speaker, so I though the name of the protagonist of the game was spelled like that, and I was a huge fan, so I decided to be the second one. It must be noted that my real name is definitely not Steve, that would suck.

In any case, I will not define what kind of blog this is. The things I post here will determine that. However, I will share the many pieces of media I have enjoyed and would recommend to anyone, in alphabetical order as I couldn't rank them against eachother:

  • Berserk - The best and most beautiful manga I have ever read. Guts is literally me.
  • Conan stories - Peak. Fiction. I read a few and they are all superb and incredible. Conan is literally me.
  • Dark Souls - I mostly liked it for the combat, frankly. The enemy designs were cool as well.
  • Darkest Dungeon - A little grindy, but overall very enjoyable. I like how it treats the adventurers as disposable, but overall working together for a great purpose.
  • Dungeon Meshi - Epic worldbuilding, good art, good fights, very funny. The dungeon itself is simply incredible. Laios is literally me.
  • Dungeons & Dragons - Specifically the original, the 0th edition. It all went to shit after that.
  • Fear & Hunger - The setting is cool, I really liked the fights, you can really feel how you improve between runs. Ragnvaldr is literally me.
  • Goblin Slayer - The main thing that I like here is the tricks MC uses to fight enemies.
  • Surviving the game as a Barbarian - The best manhwa I know, the protag is competent but not overpowered, the world is cool and the dungeon itself is fun. Bjorn is not literally me however.
  • The Witcher - Specifically the first book of short stories about Geralt's monster hunting adventures. By the way, he's literally me.
  • Tower Dungeon - I enjoyed this manga for its amazing art, massive vertical dungeon, the cool approach to delving it and fun fight scenes.
  • Pixel Dungeon - An open source roguelike dungeon crawler, probably the reason for my dungeon obsession since my young age. Best forks: Yet Another PD, Shattered PD

From reading the above list, I can safely be categorized as a "dungeon freak". I am also definitely an "RPG freak" as at the time of writing I run and play in about 4 weekly campaigns.

This was a good introduction. End post.

ZMAD - Zombies Must All Die

 I have a self-destructive habit of starting a daily updates PBP game once in a while. They just call to me, y'know? When I was making t...