What's ATLoG? Well, it's my gloghack. This is how I'm introducing it. What's under the acronym is actually very simple to guess, so I will not insult the readers' intelligence by spelling it out.
Noteworthy things about it:
- It's based on OD&D
- Has no ability scores
- Only has two classes (this is one of them)
I will share it when it's finished.
In any case, here it the class.
There are many kinds of fighting men, trying to list them all would be folly. Know, however, that they are never mere common footmen or civilians driven to take up arms - a fighting-man is someone cut above the masses by the virtue of their affinity for violence... and willingness to use it.
You may freely use all conventional battle equipment.
Gain a [templates+1] bonus to damage, toHit and double that to HP
A Versatile, +2 Abilities
B Second Wind, +1 Ability
C Technique, +1 Ability
D +1 Super-Ability
A - Versatile: Every level you may select a number of abilities from those you are aware. The following list of 20 is known by every fighting-man, but more can be found during play. All of them can be acquired without levelling by difficult training, but access to such training is limited enough as to be equal to powerful magic items in rarity, price and difficulty to acquire.
B - Second Wind: As an action heal as if you had taken a short rest.
Regain the use of this ability after taking a short rest normally.
C - Technique: You have finally become badass enough to perform special attacks. Unfortunately you do not know any yet, and will not gain them from levelling. Go and find them, the first one you find can be learnt instantly.
- Banneret - Your voice can be heard over crowds and combat. If you are appointed the leader of the group you always win initiative ties and you give [level] temporary HPs that last a round to an ally who listens to your command to attack.
- Battlemage - Gain a save against spell disruption and cast even with your hands occupied. You can also use scrolls if you couldn't before.
- Defender - You count as a wall for the purposes of line of sight, cover and forced movement. Shields give you +1 AC.
- Destroyer - Apply overkill damage to other enemies in reach of
your melee weapon or path of ranged attack. You can finish a melee
cleave by throwing the weapon. If you wish so, foes you defeat are
strewn about the battlefield in pieces.
- Gadabout - When entering a new city there is a [level]-in-6 chance that you know [dice result] people there. Make a reaction roll for each, worst case scenario you owe them or they don't like you all that much. You have the same chance to know a tidbit of lore about practically anything you encounter. Your rumour-scrounging always produces maximum results and you know if any given one is completely fake. You can use improvised weapons as if they were real weapons.
- Green Cloak - You belong to a ranger organization and thus you always know the compass direction, if you forage while travelling you find enough food for [level] people, are comfortable in any weather and predict it a day in advance.
- High-Class Professional - Your slices and stabs are silent, and if you strike someone down in one blow they don't even yell out. Add +d6 damage to your blows if you have advantage. You always have a dagger on your person, hidden so well as to be undetectable without stripping you naked.
- Horseman - You may emphatically communicate with any thinking creature you are in skin-to-skin contact with, you can fight at full ability mounted on anything, you and your mount count as one creature, using the better AC and Save value and choosing how you distribute damage amongst yourself whenever hit.
- Iron-Handed - Your fists count as sledgehammers, your hooked fingers as a
crowbar, cupped hands as shovels and your firm grip as a vice.
- Lightbringer - In your hands a lantern counts as a shield and a torch as a mace. Torches will not go out if you use them in melee. Rubbing your hands together for a bit works like a tinderbox. You are favored by entities related to light and flame.
- Panache - Your fighting has style. Rather than kill you can nonlethally embarrass the foe in a way that prevents them from being a problem any longer. If you win a fight with a challenging foe without causing undeserved or disproportionate harm, people who don't like you reroll their reaction with a +2. This even works on people you've defeated before.
- Poet - When you use an instrument your speed is not halved and activation of bardsong is automatic. Your words can count as weapons which deal emotional damage of your choice on a failed save. Doing that still takes your attack and people can tell when you do that.
- Powder Monkey - Ignore penalties for fighting in smoke and using ranged attacks in melee. You can manufacture your own masterwork bullets. Powder you carry can not get wet or get ruined otherwise when tightly packed.
- Raised by Wolves - You do not leave tracks as you travel and thanks to your wolf-like sense of smell and an even better sense of taste you may follow all tracks and hunt with ease.
- Second-Story Worker - Your steps are silent and you tend to “blur” into the surroundings if immobile. Anything a human could climb with tools and preparation you can climb with your body alone, walls beyond human ability will be a little tricky for you. Begin combat anywhere where you could run in one round ignoring creatures.
- Sharpshooter - You may create special ammunition on the fly. Double the range of all your ranged attacks, fire a bow from any position and ignore penalties for shooting past allies.
- Sticky Fingers - Open locks, pick pockets, fiddle with traps and clockwork, perform legerdemain and stealthily perform somatic components with ease. All of your inventory slots count as quickslots.
- Swordcaller - You instinctively know all qualities of any weapon you see. Intelligent weapons will call to you from within their dungeons letting you know their location if they would like to be wielded by you.
- Tricky Footwork - You may perform a combat maneuver in place of your movement. Perform and defend against maneuvers at +2.
- Reliable - Ignore 2 points of penalties to attack rolls, automatically succeed on tasks that have a 90% or better chance and always deal at least 1 point of damage, even on a miss.
- Heroic Might - You gain strength equal to that of an ogre, increasing your damage by d6 if the attack would depend on it (all melee, thrown weapons, specifically made bows)
- Invincible Physique - Your bones are stronger than steel (never break a bone and skip helmets), your blood is thick and clots easily (resist poison and bleeding), your skin glows with vitality (immune to disease), your natural lifespan doubles and your rest healing is always maximized.
- Fleet as the Wind - Your speed increases by 2, ignore falling damage and perform absurd acrobatics like wallrunning or 2m verticals.
- Blank Slate - After killing a foe, you may steal one of their features. You can only do this again if you discard your previous stolen ability.
Abilities rumored to exist:
- Oathbound
- Mage Hunter
- Slayer
- Psych Up
Special attacks rumored to exist:
- Four Inner Winds
- Triple Slash Dash
- Heroic Leap
- Gentle Touch