I have a self-destructive habit of starting a daily updates PBP game once in a while. They just call to me, y'know? When I was making this system I really wanted to do something post-apo and something that fits in one discord message. In the end the game didn't work out - it was very time consuming to do every update, and with many players I had to do many updated. Daily. Yeah, I burnt out. In any case, here it is.
Z = Zombie
Distribute 15 points. Roll over on d12 to fail on a check. Slots equal to stat. Down to 0 = Death
(V)itality: Physical ability. Slots for Equipment, 3 are Quick. Reduced by I, F, H, D
(B)rain: Remembering, searching, magicking. Slots for Skill, Mindset, Psychic Power. Reduced by T
Start with half filled V slots + 1 Skill (name of your job)
+1 stat point after each:
- Escape a horde
- Kill 12 Z
- Learn the truth about infection
- Make a name for yourself
- Big goal chosen by you
(D)amage: from getting hit
(F)atigue: from exertion. -2 from sleep, -1 if you had a watch
(H)unger: from not eating for a day. -1 by eating double
(I)nfection: from interaction with contamination
(T)rauma: from stressful events. -1 by indulging
* Two slots
! Loud
~ Long range
Ammo: Specific to weapon
Armor: Block 1 Damage. 25% it breaks. Always in Quick
Battery: rechargeable
Bomb!: wipe a room
Chainsaw!*: Kill 15 Z per Gas. Roll V or gain I
Crossbow*~: Kill 10 Z per Ammo, 1 in a hurry. Roll B to recover Ammo
Energy Drink: -2 F
Flashlight: Unlimited light
Gas: Universal fuel
Handgun!: Kill 10 Z per Ammo, 5 in a hurry
Lure!~: attract Z at range
Lockpicks: Unlock stuff
Med: -2 D
Pills: -2 I or T
Rifle!*~: Kill 20 Z per Ammo, 5 in a hurry
Ration: Live 2 days
Tape: Hotfix
Tool*: Kill a Z. Roll V, on fail gain F. On 12 gain I
Toolbox: Fix mechanisms
Improvised items are freely available
You're a survivor, the 0.1% resistant to airborne spread
Every day state your route on the map. You can go 3km/h in cities
Travel between locations and scavenge for resources needed to survive while trying to reach milestones
The ZM has tables to determine what and who you find in different places
Loud noises, strong smells, radio waves and the night activate the Z
Normal Zs aren't a big issue, but be careful about the Special types. Eat their brain for a Psychic Power
Don't get outnumbered. Find allies. Nobody survives on their own
I have also made notes for running the game. Quite unfinished.
Guidance for Zombie Masters
treasure rations are never tainted. Contaminated food is readily available in any city. Up to the survivor if they’d rather starve or be Infected
Locations have many Areas, think points of interest. Places that are worthwhile or might contain useful gear.
All survivors have a tiny degree of immunity, which will possibly improve as they are exposed to the Infection. They do not know this. It begins at 5% and improves by that % every time it activates. Upon reaching 100% all I on them will be purged.
Special types are powerful Z with special abilities. They are worth 5 normal Z at least, roughly needing a mag to be dumped in them to slay. They can see well and attack anything that moves indiscriminately. Eating the brain of a SZ awards a lot of infection, trauma, and a Psychic Power.
Blade master - red, two bone swords instead of arms, no jaw. 20 Z equivalent. Foreshadowed by lesser blade zombies (like 2Z each) appearing, and a wide area of the city being empty. Bone blades work like Tool but take one slot. Psychic Power gained from eating the brain is having one arm turn into a blade, psychic control over lesser blade Z and melee without risk.
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