Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Extremely important context about the creator of this blog

The name of this blog, Temporal Negativity, is a mediocre play on words with the nick !AntiTime!.
I have first acquired this name a few years ago when I realized I wasn't showing up nearly high enough on discord user lists, so I brainstormed something that begins with a special symbol and A, thus !A, and then the rest followed naturally. Before that happened, the nick was SteveNumber2.
SteveNumber2 was an altered version of my truly ancient Minecraft nick, StivNr2. I have altered it because by that time I knew english. You see, I am not a native english speaker, so I though the name of the protagonist of the game was spelled like that, and I was a huge fan, so I decided to be the second one. It must be noted that my real name is definitely not Steve, that would suck.

In any case, I will not define what kind of blog this is. The things I post here will determine that. However, I will share the many pieces of media I have enjoyed and would recommend to anyone, in alphabetical order as I couldn't rank them against eachother:

  • Berserk - The best and most beautiful manga I have ever read. Guts is literally me.
  • Conan stories - Peak. Fiction. I read a few and they are all superb and incredible. Conan is literally me.
  • Dark Souls - I mostly liked it for the combat, frankly. The enemy designs were cool as well.
  • Darkest Dungeon - A little grindy, but overall very enjoyable. I like how it treats the adventurers as disposable, but overall working together for a great purpose.
  • Dungeon Meshi - Epic worldbuilding, good art, good fights, very funny. The dungeon itself is simply incredible. Laios is literally me.
  • Dungeons & Dragons - Specifically the original, the 0th edition. It all went to shit after that.
  • Fear & Hunger - The setting is cool, I really liked the fights, you can really feel how you improve between runs. Ragnvaldr is literally me.
  • Goblin Slayer - The main thing that I like here is the tricks MC uses to fight enemies.
  • Surviving the game as a Barbarian - The best manhwa I know, the protag is competent but not overpowered, the world is cool and the dungeon itself is fun. Bjorn is not literally me however.
  • The Witcher - Specifically the first book of short stories about Geralt's monster hunting adventures. By the way, he's literally me.
  • Tower Dungeon - I enjoyed this manga for its amazing art, massive vertical dungeon, the cool approach to delving it and fun fight scenes.
  • Pixel Dungeon - An open source roguelike dungeon crawler, probably the reason for my dungeon obsession since my young age. Best forks: Yet Another PD, Shattered PD

From reading the above list, I can safely be categorized as a "dungeon freak". I am also definitely an "RPG freak" as at the time of writing I run and play in about 4 weekly campaigns.

This was a good introduction. End post.


  1. yeah i can wpisz a komentarz or two

  2. I laughed at each literally me.

    1. If I have any skills, conveying comedic timing by text is one of them.

  3. Thanks for all these media recommendations. I too enjoy dungeons and recently got into hexcrawls.


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