Saturday, January 18, 2025

OSR statblocks for a few chosen Fear & Hunger monsters

Striking enemies to destroy their body parts doesnt damage their total hitpoints. The list is not arranged in any particular order.

9HD, AC 15 (formerly-dragon skin)

Ambusher - invisible under the surface of the water until it attacks. As it emerges a large splash of water will extinguish all fires nearby, likely plunging the party into darkness.

Delicious - a meal cooked from its meat will fully heal all those who eat it.

Gnome egg appetite - will abandon combat if offered a gnome egg

Eye (4hp 20 AC) - destroying it reduces the number of smash attacks to 1.

Tongue (15 AC) - damaging it will reset the progress of Extend Tongue

Att: Smash x2, Extend Tongue

Smash - 3d6 damage. If a 6 appears on any of the dice, save vs paralysis or stunned for one round. With 1, save vs paralysis or flung into the cold dark water.

Extend Tongue - On the third turn the Salmonsnake’s tongue is fully extended and will force a save vs death on a random enemy in range.

Lord of the Flies
5+3 HD, AC 14 (thick fur)

Horrid stench - at the beginning of combat every opponent must make a save vs poison or become nauseated, suffering d4 points of damage, a penalty of -2 to hit and halved speed for the duration of the encounter.

Orders - Attacks are nonlethal. Upon incapacitating an opponent the lord of flies will drag them to a faraway locked cage.

Att: Hairy Palm
Hairy palm - d8+3 damage. Target must make a maneuver check vs 16 or get grabbed. Grabbed targets take automatic damage at the beginning of lord of flies' every round. At most two targets can be grabbed.

Variant rule - an open cage can be nearby to the encounter. If a grab succeeds or if an opponent is reduced to 0hp, the lord of the
flies will toss them inside the cage which will automatically close behind them.

Valteil the Enlightened One (WIP)
not sure about the HD lol

Life crafter - Valteil can create artificial life forms which serve and protect him.

Academic - A character can engage Valteil in a contest of knowledge as if it was an actual physical fight. Valteil will ask horribly obscure lore questions, taking damage if answered correctly, dealing damage if not.

Right and left brain (make them sturdy) - Destruction of the right brain prevents Valteil from casting spells, and the left brain from Headbutting.

Third eye (not quite as tanky) - prevents the use of Whispers of Destruction

Att: Headbutt, Whispers of Destruction; Magic Missile OR Cause Wounds

Headbutt - every enemy must save or take d6 damage

Magic missile - conjures 4 missiles which hit automatically for d6+1 damage each

Cause Wounds - One target takes 5d6+5 damage, half on a save. If failed, save again or one random limb is mangled and blown off.

Whispers of Destruction - At the end of every 3th turn of the fight a random party member dies.

3+2 HD, 16 AC (chestplate, scales and shield)

Cruel - Enjoys torturing and skinning alive

Riposte - Can retaliate with a crude sword attack to any blow aimed his way.

Shield (8hp 16 AC) - prevents riposte and decreases ac by 1 when destroyed

Att: Crude Sword, Natural Attack

Crude Sword - d8+2 damage. On a hit with an even number target saves or is disarmed, with an odd number target saves or is knocked prone

Natural Attack (poison tongue or tail whip) - d6+2 damage. On a hit with an even number target saves or takes extra d6 poison damage, with an odd number target saves or is in agony for d2 rounds.

4+1 HD, 13 AC (thick skin)

Despicable - enjoys sexual assault, butchery and gluttony

Dull - easily tricked, for example will not pay you any mind if you're dressed in a guard outfit

Cleaver (4hp 12 AC) - Disarmed guards can not use cleaver attacks.

Stinger (4hp, 12 AC) - If destroyed, the guard can no longer make Stinger attacks.

Att: Cleaver OR tackle

Cleaver - d10+2 damage. Hit target saves or loses a limb. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack

Tackle - d6+1 damage. Hit target saves or is knocked prone. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack

Stinger - 2d6 damage. Disgusting.

Variant rule - a guard may carry a ballista rather than a cleaver. To disarm them of it, one must deal 10 damage at AC15 to the weapon. A guard armed with such a weapon has their Cleaver attack replaced with the following one:

Ballista - 3d6+2 damage. On an attack result divisible by 4 the guard makes a Stinger attack.

1 hp, 14 AC (agility)

KAAW KAAW - At the end of every round the gnomes sound a cry for help, causing d4 reinforcement cavegnomes to arrive

Milk affinity - A splash of yellow milk dissuades all cavegnomes from fighting.

Att: gnaw
Gnaw: d4 damage. On max damage, the target saves or gets an infection.

Crow Mauler
10 HD, 16 AC (blessing of the depths)

Pursuer - Knows the direction to the party as long as they remain in the dungeon.

Invincible - can only be hurt in close quarters. Can not be hurt by ranged attacks or traps.

Att: Maul, Peck OR Flock of Crows

Maul - 2d10+2 damage. Hit target saves or has the bones of a random limb broken.

Peck - Made at -4 to hit. Hit target has their head ripped off. A heavy helm allows a save, breaking on a success.

Flock of Crows - d6 damage. Hit target saves or has their eyes ripped out.

Variant rule - On the second encounter with the mauler he will have no arms remaining, however gaining an extra head in return. Can not make the Maul attack, can use an extra Peck or Flock of Crows in a round.

1 HD, 12 AC (floating)

Psychic - Possesses an unexpected level of intelligence and mental power. Can float a few feet off the ground and communicate telepathically.

Scavenger - Consumes carrion, but prefers draining the life force of living creatures

Swinging limbs - Only forced movement or the maneba giving up allows escape from melee with it.

Att: Tentacle Whip d4 times

Tentacle Whip - d4 damage. On max damage, the target saves or gets injected with parasites.

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